Tag Archives: Murdoch

Tuesday on the Internets

Ray’s empire expands, including the most exciting expansion of all:

Joining Glass next month will be Ray’s: The Game in the original, “pre-Obama” home for Hell-Burger (1713 Wilson Ave.), with cooks grilling burgers made from custom-ground venison, wild boar, elk, antelope, wild duck and ostrich. Why game? “No one else is doing it,” says Landrum, who sees the exotic burgers as “a great way to expand the repertoire.”

Tiger: Looking for validation, not variety?

Women’s feelings for women: Lust as envy, envy as lust, or maybe neither?

Want: Furniture made from reclaimed wine barrels.

WSJ Letters: Of Breasts and Shoes:

The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force feels that mammograms are a waste of time and money because of false-positive exams, and anyway, the risk is evaluated at a meager 0.05% (Letters, Dec. 2). If, indeed, mammograms for women under 50 are not cost effective, and only save a few lives, then why are we taking our shoes off at every airport in the country?

Lee Mundy

Ellensburg, Wash.

Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project: The Three Great Interests of Man:

[T]he great interests of man: air and light, the joy of
having a body, the voluptuousness of looking.

Murdoch: You get what you pay for, incl in press:

[People who rewrite, without attribution, in the name of “fair use”] are not investing in journalism. They are feeding off the hard-earned efforts and investments of others. And their almost wholesale misappropriation of our stories is not “fair use.” To be impolite, it’s theft.

This is spectacular:

And finally, just because I love Hannah Arendt:

“For Hannah Arendt, the autonomy of politics is an attempt to preserve a space for human spontaneity, the freedom to act in unexpected ways absent the constraints of economic needs or social conformities.” [Harpers]

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